An Ohio resident can very quickly find themselves disqualified from owning or possessing a firearm under a number of Federal and State level convictions and circumstances. These same disqualifications extend to owning or possessing ammunition for a firearm itself.
Those who possess a firearm or ammunition without addressing the underlying disability can find themselves facing Felony charges from the United States Government and/or the State of Ohio.
The disqualifying offenses include obvious crimes such as Felonies, but include Misdemeanor offenses such as Domestic Violence and in some cases Disorderly Conduct and Assault. In the case of Ohio, firearms disability includes being indicted for Felony offenses, not just convictions of the offenses.
Federal Disabilities
Ohio Disabilities
If you think you are suffering from a State or Federal weapons disability, contact me to help discuss your options.
* Including entries during a divorce or dissolution whereby an order is entered, against a party, to refrain from harassing, stalking, or threatening, or other language that restrains one from conduct that would place an intimate partner or their child in reasonable fear of bodily harm.
** Includes situations where a charge of Domestic Violence is amended down to a charge of Disorderly Conduct. Also, whenever a defendant is convicted of any law that has use or attempted use of force as an element of the offense, and the victim was in a domestic relationship with the defendant.
Those who possess a firearm or ammunition without addressing the underlying disability can find themselves facing Felony charges from the United States Government and/or the State of Ohio.
The disqualifying offenses include obvious crimes such as Felonies, but include Misdemeanor offenses such as Domestic Violence and in some cases Disorderly Conduct and Assault. In the case of Ohio, firearms disability includes being indicted for Felony offenses, not just convictions of the offenses.
Federal Disabilities
- Convictions in any court of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year
- Fugitives from justice
- Unlawful users of or addicts to any controlled substances
- Those adjudicated as a mental defective or who have been committed to a mental institute
- An alien that is illegally or unlawfully in the United States or under a non-immigrant visa
- Those dishonorable discharged from the U.S. Military
- One who has renounced their citizenship
- Subject to a protection order*
- Convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence**
Ohio Disabilities
- The person is a fugitive from justice
- Under indictment or convicted of any felony offense of violence or adjudicated a delinquent child for the commission of an offense that, if committed by an adult, would have been a felony offense of violence.
- Under indictment for or convicted of any felony offense involving the possession, use, sale, administration, distribution, or trafficking in any drug of abuse or has been adjudicated a delinquent child for the commission of an offense that, if committed by an adult, would have been a felony offense for the same activity
- The person is drug dependent, in danger of drug dependence, or a chronic alcoholic.
- The person is under adjudication of mental incompetence, adjudicated as a mental defective, committed to a mental institution, found by a court to be a mentally ill person subject to court order, or is an involuntary patient other than one who is a patient only for purposes of observation
If you think you are suffering from a State or Federal weapons disability, contact me to help discuss your options.
* Including entries during a divorce or dissolution whereby an order is entered, against a party, to refrain from harassing, stalking, or threatening, or other language that restrains one from conduct that would place an intimate partner or their child in reasonable fear of bodily harm.
** Includes situations where a charge of Domestic Violence is amended down to a charge of Disorderly Conduct. Also, whenever a defendant is convicted of any law that has use or attempted use of force as an element of the offense, and the victim was in a domestic relationship with the defendant.