Tens of thousands of Ohioans legally carry concealed handguns on a daily basis. For nearly all of them, there will never be a situation where they will encounter circumstances that require them to use or threaten deadly force in the defense of themselves or others.
For those Ohioans that do end up having to do use or threaten deadly force there are many questions that such a person, and any other CHL holder may have. What is the law of self-defense in Ohio? What factors can cause the elements of self-defense to be applied in a different manner? What is it like to under go an investigation? What would getting indicted fully entail? What path would a criminal trial take if I were to be charged?
To help Ohio CHL holders understand and recognize the depth and extents a deadly force situation can lead to I offer a course that helps a CHL holder:
This is ideal for CCW/CHL classes and courses, sportsmen clubs, groups of armed citizens, or individuals. The course can be tailored to fit your specific needs and or concerns. Contact me to discuss your needs,
For those Ohioans that do end up having to do use or threaten deadly force there are many questions that such a person, and any other CHL holder may have. What is the law of self-defense in Ohio? What factors can cause the elements of self-defense to be applied in a different manner? What is it like to under go an investigation? What would getting indicted fully entail? What path would a criminal trial take if I were to be charged?
To help Ohio CHL holders understand and recognize the depth and extents a deadly force situation can lead to I offer a course that helps a CHL holder:
- Understand the elements of Self-Defense in Ohio and how they will be applied
- What will a criminal investigation entail
- How a criminal case would possibly proceed against a person accused of a violent Felony
- Understand what occurs at trial
- Recognize other lurking legal actions besides a Felony charge
- Understand the role society will play on a trial and how it may affect you
- See possible outcomes if your are ever convicted of a crime of violence in Ohio
- Assess practices and tips to minimize liability in a deadly force situation
This is ideal for CCW/CHL classes and courses, sportsmen clubs, groups of armed citizens, or individuals. The course can be tailored to fit your specific needs and or concerns. Contact me to discuss your needs,